
Presiding Prelate of the Eastern North Carolina Episcopal District


In July 2004, Dr. Kenneth Monroe was elected the 95th Bishop in succession of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.  Bishop Kenneth Monroe attended Livingstone College, Salisbury, NC. He received both the deacon and elder’s ordination by Bishop W. A. Hilliard in 1972 and 1974 respectively. Upon the completion of his undergraduate studies at Livingstone College and receiving the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Studies, he entered Duke University Divinity School, Durham, NC. In December 1976, he graduated from Duke University Divinity School with a Master of Divinity Degree. Later in 2003, he received the Doctor of Ministry Degree, Project Title, “TRANSFORMING MISTRUST TO TRUST: DEVELOPING A NEW SYSTEM OF CHURCH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT,” from Hartford Seminary, Hartford, CT.  Bishop Monroe –authored the book The Adventures of Uncertainty: Making the Impossible Possible with God. He is currently serving as Presiding prelate of the Eastern North Carolina Episcopal District.  


Reverend Alexander L. Jones, Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District

After serving five years as pastor of the St. LUKE AME ZION CHURCH, Wilmington, NC Reverend Jones was appointed Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District in 1997 following the retirement of Presiding Elder T.D. Robinson. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path” has been the guiding force of his ministry for more than 56 years.  Presiding Elder Jones provides the leadership of 22 pastors, 7 evangelists, 12 local preachers and 2,194 laypersons as well as the nine organized departments as prescribed in the Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. His mantra is ’God is in Control’.  The Wilmington District covers 3 coastal North Carolina counties — New Hanover, Brunswick and Columbus counties.  The Wilmington District, Where God is in Control continues to support the visionary leadership of Bishop Kenneth Monroe, contributing to the great legacy of the AME Zion Church.