Dept. Church Growth & Development: The Foundation for Evangelism Grant Opportunity


Greetings Beloved Zion,

The Department of Church Growth and Development would like to share the following  grant opportunity from The Foundation for Evangelism. Please note, we are only sharing the information and are not involved in the program.

The Foundation for Evangelism’s Thriving Congregations Local Church cohort program will provide comprehensive training and resources, culminating in an opportunity to apply for our grant cycle. Participants will be guided through the process of outlining a relevant evangelism experiment, leveraging the knowledge and skills acquired during the cohort training.

The Thriving Congregations Local Church Cohorts are open to Wesleyan-tradition* congregations in the United States. These training cohorts are intended to enable small and medium-sized** churches to discern and launch an experiment or initiative to share the Gospel and invite others into a relationship with Jesus. Through these funds, FFE desires to provide an opportunity for faith communities to be creative and take risks.

For additional information click the button below!

Yours In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Eleazar Merriweather

Executive Director

The Department of Church Growth & Development

The A.M.E. Zion Church